This course will help you to identify the common welfare and work environment requirements, hazards and controls in the workplace and also the hazards to pedestrians in the workplace and the appropriate control measures. It will also cover the common psycho-social hazards which may be encountered in the workplace, the persons affected and control measures as well as the health effects associated with exposure to noise and vibration and the appropriate control measures. Also covered are the requirements for, and effective provision of, first aid in the workplace.

Region: UK
Delivery: e-Learning
Role: Engineer, Laboratory Technician, Manager/Senior Manager, Operator, Supervisor, Technician
Competence: Compliance
Sector: Chemicals, Composites, Downstream Petroleum, Explosives, Industrial Biotechnology, Medical Biotechnology, Medical Devices, Nuclear, Pharmaceuticals, Polymers, Signmaking
Course Code: COM-027
Cost: £15