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  • BOLD - Management & Leadership Development

    The idea of BOLD Leadership conjures up images of big, charismatic, larger than life personalities. Most of us think of BOLD Leaders as being driven, visionary and having a take-no-prisoners approach to accomplishing their goals. Leaders who are willing to make the risky business decisions that will propel their businesses forward.

     Role: Manager/Senior Manager, Supervisor
     Functional and Behavioural
     Sector: Chemicals, Composites, Downstream Petroleum, Explosives, Industrial Biotechnology, Medical Biotechnology, Medical Devices, Pharmaceuticals, Polymers, Signmaking

    This Course is Aimed at

    Middle Managers/Leaders in all departments.


    BOLD Leadership is not what you think. BOLD Leadership is in fact about:

    Building trust: Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship and it’s absolutely critical for successful leadership. Leading with trust creates an environment of safety and freedom that result in collaboration, creativity, risk-taking, and innovation. The most successful leaders are trust builders.

    Others focused: BOLD Leadership is not about you, it’s about the people you lead. BOLD Leaders take the strengths of their team members and blend them together in such a way that the team as a whole is stronger than any one individual.

    Leading with humility: Popular culture says humility equates to weaknesses, the polar opposite of being BOLD. Not true. Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking about yourself less.

    Daring to be vulnerable: BOLD Leaders aren’t afraid to let down their guard a bit and be authentic with those they lead. Being vulnerable means sharing information about yourself and the business and taking an interest in the lives of your people.

    BOLD Leadership certainly isn’t limited to popular culture’s definition of big, brash, loud leadership. It is about the everyday behaviours we use to build trust, focusing on the needs of others, leading with confident humility and vulnerabley, engaging with our people in authentic and genuine ways.

    BOLD is a (6 month) modular classroom based programme, combined with 1:1 Coaching and that gives participants the know-how to build a high-performance and high-trust culture.

    Programme Content and Key Areas

    This highly interactive modular programme has been designed to help you achieve improvements in productivity and performance through your people, whilst taking into account key topical management and leadership issues.

    We take a practical approach throughout the programme and focus on building the necessary skills required to maintain credibility at this level. Through engaging exercises and group discussions you will learn new ways to make a positive impact on your staff, your peers and senior management.

    Throughout the programme we will investigate your natural leadership style and discuss with you the impact you are having, or could choose to have, on your teams and the results that they are generating.

    As part of the BOLD programme we encourage our client to use one of our 360 Appraisals and/or our Success Insights Behavioural tools.

    Module 1:  Personal Impact
    Module 2:  Effective Leadership

    Module 3:  Leadership and Communication
    Module 4:  Inspiring Your Team

    1st Coaching Session

    Module 5:  Challenging Conversations
    Module 6: Decision Making

    Module 7:  Unlocking Potential 
    Module 8: Leading and Promoting Change

    2nd Coaching Session

    Learning Outcomes

    The focus of this programme, therefore, is to increase your understanding of how to successfully manage and lead people and will provide you with a range of tools and up-to-date techniques that you can apply back in the workplace to raise your capability in this crucial area.

    Ultimately, the programme will ensure that you and Managers & Leaders are measurably better focused, more results orientated, better organised and capable of making a breakthrough change in more effective performance management.

    To book now contact us.

    Contact Us

     01325 740900

     Send us an enquiry


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